1024 x 768 pixels - 98,5 KB
Adolf Hitler and foreign military officers

2564 x 3361 pixels - 3,61 MB
Adolf Hitler with Swedish military officers

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Adolf Hitler and his guests

866 x 1280 pixels - 120 KB
King Boris of Bulgaria with Adolf Hitler

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Adolf Hitler with Japanese military officials

1153 x 782 pixels - 188 KB
Adolf Hitler with the leader of Vichy France, Henri Petain. In the right is German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop

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Adolf Hitler and Mufti Amin Al-Husseini

476 x 600 pixels - 57,9 KB
Adolf Hitler and David Lloyd George at Obersalzburg during George's second visit

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Adolf Hitler and Horthy at a meeting in Berchtesgaden

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Adolf Hitler & Finnish Marshall Carl Gustav Freiherr von Mannerheim

800 x 574 pixels - 66,6 KB
Adolf Hitler and Emil Hacha, March 1939

800 x 581 pixels - 159 KB
Kurusu, Alfieri, Buti, Ciano, Schmidt, Stahmer, Weiszäcker, Mackensen, Hitler, Meißner and Woermann (September 27, 1940)

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Bormann, Matsuoka, Schmidt, Hitler, Göring and Meißner (March 28, 1941). We see here a rare occasion when Herr Göring wears monocle!

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Adolf Hitler and Prince Paul of Yugoslavia (1939)

757 x 1024 pixels - 60,8 KB
Adolf Hitler chats with Count Teleki, one of the signers of the pact aligning Hungary with the Axis powers, while other diplomats look on after the ceremony, 30 December 1940. Left to right : Count Teleki of Hungary, Italian Foreign Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano, Hungarian Foreign Minister Count Csaky, and ambassador from Japan Kurusu, and Hitler

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Historic scene in Berlin during the signing of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Mutual Assistance Pact,17 October 1940, uniting the signatories against any country entering the European or Asiatic war. Seated, left to right : Saburo Kurusu, Japanese ambassador to Berlin; Count Galeazzo Ciano, Italian Foreign Minister; and Adolf Hitler. Joachim von Ribbentrop (standing right), ace Nazi treaty maker, is seen reading terms of agreement

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Interpreter Dr. Schmidt is the only person not rubbing his hands together as Count Galeazzo Ciano, Italian Foreign Minister, meets Adolf Hitler. The meeting it self took place in Vienna, 21 May 1941

806 x 1024 pixels - 91,4 KB
Adolf Hitler strolls in the courtyard of his Berchtesgaden retreat with Yugoslav officials with whom he and Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop (right) discussed Yugoslavia's part in the European situation, 14 February 1941. Dragisa Cvetkovic, then premier of Yugoslavia, is at left and directly behind him is the then Foreign Minister Aleksander Cincar-Markovic. German officials in the background

876 x 668 pixels - 64,7 KB
Adolf Hitler with Herzog Pistoia and other Italian officials at Brenner

1083 x 1173 pixels - 102 KB
Adolf Hitler in a Saturday afternoon meeting with Hungarian Minister President Count Teleki (left), to the right of the Hungarian Foreign Minister, Count Csaky. At the right is Sztojay, Hungarian Military Attache, Berlin. German caption and dated April 29, 1939

600 x 768 pixels - 36 KB
Adolf Hitler watching Prince Kyrill of Bulgaria shake hands with his diplomat, von Ribbentrop on the occasion of the Prince's visit to Germany. International News Pictures photo credit. Captioned and dated November 22, 1943
Awesome website! Great job. I appreciate it a lot. :)