906 x 1237 pixels - 219 KB
Reichsstatthalter Franz Ritter von Epp (who is not far below Hitler on the Nazi pecking order) shaking hands with Benito Mussolini, while Adolf Hitler is genuinely smiling

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Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in the Piazza Della Signoria in Florence in 1938

800 x 579 pixels - 93,5 KB
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini during Hitler's visit to Venice from 14–16 June 1934

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Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini attended the Wehrmacht's 1937 manoeuvres. The substantial figure of Hermann Göring is half-hidden between Mussolini and Hitler and Hans Frank, later
Governor-General of Poland, is on Mussolini's immediate right. On Frank's right Generaloberst Werner Freiherr von Fritsch, chief of the general staff (who was dismissed the following year
after a false accusation of impropriety) is chatting to Generalleutnant Wilhelm Keitel, who was later to run the Armed Forces High Command, Oberkommando der Wehrmacht.

800 x 616 pixels - 75 KB
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini on triumphant journey above Mercedes car through Berlin's festival route, end of September 1937

591 x 800 pixels - 67,5 KB
The meeting of Führer-Duce in the period from 7 to 10 April 1943, a meeting at which participated the head of the Italian General Staff, Army General Ambrosio, and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Bastianini, Germans Reich Marshal Hermann Göring, the Reich Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop, the Chief of the High Command of the Army, Field Marshal Keitel, the commander of the navy, Admiral Dönitz, and the Chief of General Staff, General Zeitzler. In the extensive discussions during which both the general political situation has been handled as well as all matters of joint warfare in complete agreement, gave the Duce and the Führer of its peoples their unyielding determination to repeat, the war through the full engagement of all forces to to lead to final victory. Our picture shows: The Führer welcomed the Duce when he arrived.

552 x 740 pixels - 99,2 KB
Adolf Hitler with Benito Mussolini

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Adolf Hitler with Gerd von Rundstedt and Benito Mussolini in Russia, 1941

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Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Münich

800 x 548 pixels - 130 KB
Adolf Hitler & Hermann Göring received Benito Mussolini at Berlin airport

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Adolf Hitler with Benito Mussolini conferred on Eastern Front Russo-German border, 1 September 1941

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Axis military leaders are leaving the ruins of a building in Soviet Union during the 5-days Hitler-Mussolini conference somewhere on the Russo-German front in 1 September 1941. They were, from left to right : Adolf Hitler, Hans-Günther von Kluge, Benito Mussolini and Wilhelm Keitel

559 x 848 pixels - 48,6 KB
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini

638 x 825 pixels - 45,2 KB
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini

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Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini reviewing the Italian Alpini mountain troops in Brenner Pass frontier during a light snowfall. AP Wirephoto with caption identifying location and dated Mar 30, 1940

806 x 656 pixels - 53,3 KB
Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, King Victor Emmanuel III and Queen Elena of Italy in the front. Joachim von Ribbentrop, Italian Count Galeazzo Ciano, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Rudolf Hess, and an unidentifable SS officer are in the second row. Photo location was Rome, Italy

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Adolf Hitler with Benito Mussolini in Florence, Italy on October 28, 1940. Photo captioned and dated November 10, 1940. Location is the Palzzzo Pitti after a concert

820 x 626 pixels - 51,1 KB
Adolf Hitler and Mussolini inspect the troops. The SS officer walking backwards in front of them is probably Himmler. Photo was taken in Berlin on September 25, 1937 on the occasion of the arrival of the Italian fascist leader. Photo caption dated September 26, 1937

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Weltbild photo of Adolf Hitler with Benito Mussolini, and the King and Queen of Italy in a reviewing stand watching a parade of Italian troops pass in review. Dated 6 May 1938

1080 x 752 pixels - 67,4 KB
Hitler with Benito Mussolini. Hermann Göring can be seen at the far left of the photo. Other high leaders and a number of SS officers can also be seen : Rudolf Hess and Karl-Heinrich Bodenschatz

861 x 615 pixels - 31,7 KB
Adolf Hitler in his Mercedes with Benito Mussolini can be seen at Hitler's right side
NICE PHOTOS.........1488!!!!!!!