1149 x 784 pixels - 161 KB
Adolf Hitler inspecting SS

800 x 616 pixels - 68 KB
Adolf Hitler inspecting Kriegsmarine admirals with Erich Raeder and Hermann Göring, 8 December 1938

826 x 686 pixels - 69,4 KB
Adolf Hitler reviewing troops

1000 x 688 pixels - 90,2 KB
Adolf Hitler at Kriegsmarine ceremony

800 x 615 pixels - 101 KB
Adolf walks off after his Eitreffen on the station's front guard of honor of the Leibstandarte, April 1938

927 x 648 pixels - 232 KB
Adolf Hitler saluting members of Hitlerjugend

768 x 691 pixels - 35,5 KB
Adolf Hitler inspecting SS

409 x 600 pixels - 61,5 KB
Adolf Hitler inspecting Bismarck's crew on 5 May 1941. To his right is Captain Lindemann, and behind Admiral Lütjens and Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel can be indentified

1000 x 603 pixels - 114 KB
Adolf Hitler and Korvettenkapitän Ernst Lindemann to his left, inspecting crew of battleship Bismarck in 1941

848 x 566 pixels - 47,7 KB
Adolf Hitler reviews his soldiers

934 x 750 pixels - 62,5 KB
Adolf Hitler reviewing his troops in Warsaw. In the back sits Johannes Blaskowitz and Albert Kesselring
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