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Adolf Hitler and admirers. Probably in Münich 1930

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Adolf Hitler at the 3rd Nazi party day 1927 in Nürnberg, and SA march again

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Adolf Hitler, the supreme leader of the banned SA during the acceptance of a march past in Brunswick, February 1931

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Adolf Hitler at the big Hitlertag in Gera, September 1931. In the back is SA-Stabschef Ernst Röhm

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Adolf Hitler at an event in the tennis hall Fehrbelliner Square, January 1932

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Adolf Hitler candidate for the presidential election! Latest recording of Adolf Hitler, which was set up by the Nazis as a candidate for the presidential election

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Putzi Hanfstaengl and Adolf Hitler at the Cafe Heck in Munich in the 1920s

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Adolf Hitler in 1928

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The earliest picture of the Führer at the begining of his power

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Adolf Hitler, with his collaborators discussed the government crisis, November 1932

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The crucial debate between the Hindenburg and Adolf Hitler, November 1932! Adolf Hitler, accompanied by great rejoicing goes, to the President.

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Adolf Hitler, the supreme leader of the banned SA during the acceptance of a march past in Brunswick

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This photo has been taken during Hitler's photography session by Heinrich Hoffman, we think during the year 1929. His purpose was to reveal Hitler's gestures, and for Hitler to train for a convincing speech.

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The big parade of the Nazis in Weimar before the leader Adolf Hitler. Present were the Minister of Thuringia Nazi Dr. Frick, and the Nazi Reichstag deputy, Dr. Goebbels (Berlin). Past of the Nazi storm troopers with fascist greeting before their leader Adolf Hitler (right in the car, standing) on the square in Weimar.

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Adolf Hitler in the inauguration of "Brown House" and the renovation of Palais Barlow in Münich

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To the judgments in the Hitler-Ludendorff trial in Munich on 1 April 1924. The only recording of all the defendants in the Hitler-Ludendorff process after the verdict. The group managed to record under the most difficult circumstances. From left to right : Heinz Pernet, Dr. Friedrich Weber, Wilhelm Frick, Oberleutnant Hermann Kriebel, Erich von Ludendorff, Adolf Hitler, Wilhelm Brückner, Ernst Röhm, Robert Wagner.

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Adolf Hitler with his early followers on 1923 Münich propaganda tour

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Adolf Hitler taken in 1921, shows him as he looked when he started his climb to power. The book, "Hitler As Nobody Knows Him", from which this picture was taken, describes it thus : Photo of Führer in 1921 when Hitler started in larger and larger meetings to call the German people to resist
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