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Adolf Hitler picture in the book "Mein Kampf"

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Adolf Hitler as cover for Illustrierte Beobachter. The caption of this 1939 issue: "The leader of all the Germans." This was a fairly regular theme, always with an imposing picture of Hitler

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Adolf Hitler as cover for Illustrierte Beobachter. One of many photographs showing Hitler and children

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Adolf Hitler as cover for Illustrierte Beobachter. Hitler with Göring family : Edda (daughter) and Emmy (wife)

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Hitler as cover for Illustrierte Beobachter. Hitler takes a ride in the Volkswagen

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Adolf Hitler as cover for Illustrierte Beobachter. Hitler and Mussolini exchange handshakes

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Adolf Hitler as cover for Illustrierte Beobachter. Hitler votes in the plebiscite called to approve the annexation of Austria in April 1938

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Announcement of the death of Adolf Hitler on 'The Stars and Stripes'
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Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler as a cover of book 'The Last Days of Hitler' by Hugh Trevor-Roper

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Adolf Hitler and Baldur von Schirach as a cover of book 'Jugend Um Hitler' by his personal photographer Heinrich Hoffmann
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Adolf Hitler as a cover of book 'Hitler's Table Talk 1941-1944' by Hugh Trevor-Roper

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Adolf Hitler as cover on 'Time' magazine, May 7, 1945 edition. Famous magazine cover announcing Hitler's death

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Adolf Hitler at the cover of 'Die Wehrmacht'
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