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Adolf Hitler with other soldiers in the 16th Bavarian Reserve Regiment. He is seated on the far left

1024 x 565 pixels - 175 KB
Adolf Hitler (left) takes a rest at World War I

800 x 641 pixels - 93,3 KB
Immediately after the mobilization, on 3 August 1914, Adolf Hitler request was approved to the King Ludwig III. From Bavaria to the entering the Bavarian Army. On 16 August Adolf Hitler was accepted as a war volunteer and assigned to the Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 16 (cunning), to which Adolf Hitler up to the end of war belonged. This picture shows Hitler with its war comrades of the Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment 16. From left to right: standing: Sperl (Münich), Litigraph, Max Mund (Münich), Vergolder, sitting: Georg Wimmer (Münich), Strassenbahner, Josef Inkofer (Münich) Lausamer (Fallen), Hitler, lying: Balthasar Brandmayer (Bad Aibling)

524 x 800 pixels - 42,6 KB
Adolf Hitler a couple of months old
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