853 x 1280 pixels - 98,3 KB
Adolf Hitler and Otto von Bismarck

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Paul von Hindenburg and Adolf Hitler

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Adolf Hitler with Paul von Hindenburg and Hermann Göring

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Chancellor Adolf Hitler and President Paul von Hindenburg in 1933. In the background is Hermann Göring, Sepp Dietrich and Erich Raeder

570 x 800 pixels - 74 KB
The historic 30th January 1933 in Berlin. Adolf Hitler was appointed by President von Hindenburg as Chancellor. The car with the Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler, who leaves at 12.40 welcomed by the cheering crowd, the Chancellery then the seat of the president in the Wilhelmstrasse.

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Adolf Hitler with Paul von Hindenburg and Werner von Blomberg at Potsdam, 21 march 1933

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Adolf Hitler with Vizekanzler Franz von Papen & Generaloberst Werner von Blomberg in 1933

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Chancellor Adolf Hitler paid a surprise visit to Nürnberg to view the sites of new buildings. At left is Julius Streicher , Franconian Party Leader
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